Desert Passion (1993)

Desert Passion (1993) Poster

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Plot :

Two show-business women leave Los Angeles for Las Vegas, but phoney state troopers abduct them in the desert and they are taken to a laboratory / prison. Here, males come to experience sexual fantasies, which it is the job of the two girls and other pulchritudinous captives to flesh out. The captors force an hypnotic drug upon them to aid their performances. Then a country hitchhiker they met earlier at a gas station decides to rescue the girls. (IMDB user johnbernardbooks)

Cast :

(in alphabetical order)

  • No Photo Female
    Amy Thomson
  • No Photo Female
    Carrie Janisse
  • No Photo Female
    Missy Browning
  • Nicole Lyn Marinello Actress
    Nicole Lyn Marinello
  • No Photo Female
    Nicole Sassaman
  • No Picture Male
    Madison Monk
  • No Picture Male
    Michael McMillen
  • No Picture Male
    Nicholas Hill

  • Director :

    Carlo Gustaff 

    Production Co :

    CPV Productions 

    Country :


    Genre :

    Crime Drama 

    Year :


    Also known as :

    Paixão no Deserto, Fantasias Sexuais, Erämaan hehku, Πυρετός στην άμμο, Fantasías en el desierto


    Preview & Download & Watch Online Streaming

    Resolution :

    540p  (720x544)  

    Type :


    Duration :


    Size :

    862 MB

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    1 Response

    1. karan says:

      plz upload these 2 movies requesting from a long time

      Confessions of a Call Girl (1998)

      Dream Master: The Erotic Invader (1996)

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